Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Welcome World

Hello out there. I'm new to this so excuse my inexperience. I thought I would join the masses and see what blogging is all about. Thoughts on People, Places and Events can cover just about everything so, I welcome any feedback anyone may have. I guess I'll have to start and see what comes up.

Well, I'll start by saying that man's depravity to man has no bounds. Just when I think I've seen and heard everything, reality comes along to give me another "kick in the pants." I'm a very sensitive soul so when I hear about any type of inhumanity, I just have to wonder, what makes a person do some of the things that they do? A lot of things happen in life that just make me (and many others I am sure) start to question life's meaning and exactly what our purpose here is.

Before I go any further, I am not a bible thumping religious fanatic. I know for myself, I've always tried to live my life the best way that I can. I've done a lot of things I am not proud of but all in all I consider myself to be a good person at heart. It's just that sometimes, things happen and I just have to wonder where eventually "WE" are going to be in the next 20 to 30 years. I like to think that this place we call earth will still be inhabitable. Sci-Fi movies showing the earth becoming this vast and desolate wasteland terrify me. I believe that we have to do all we can to keep that from coming to fruition.

Whew....well, there are some of my thoughts anyway. I have lots more that I will try to impart periodically. As I mentioned earlier, any feedback about anything at all would be most welcome. I love talking to and meeting new people. With the daily happenings on news reports from around the world, there can be no end to conversational topics.

I now await patiently for comments, ideas, rebuttals....anything. Thanks to the world wide web for giving me a chance to "bare my soul" as it were.